Navy SSC Officer Executive Branch GS Hydro Technical and Naval Architect Dec-2014 Course.Become a Short Service Commissioned (SSC) Officer inExecutive Branch (General Service - GS/ Hydro Cadre ) OR Technical Branches and Naval Architect December 2014 CourseApplications are invited from unmarried...
UPSC Civil Service Examination 2014
UPSC Civil Service Examination 2014Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Dholpur House, Shahjahan road, New Delhi - 110069Civil Service Examination, 2014The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2014 on 24/08/2014 for recruitment of various...
Various job in Lok Sabha JUne-2014
Various job in Lok Sabha JUne-2014Parliament of India (Joint Recruitment Cell)Lok Sabha SecretariatApplications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for filling up vacancies for the following posts in Lok Sabha Secretariat :Parliamentary Interpreter Grade-II : 09 posts in various...
SSC Sub-Inspector and ASI Delhi Police-CRPF-BSF-ITBP-CISF-SSB Recruitment 2014
SSC Sub-Inspector and ASI Delhi Police-CRPF-BSF-ITBP-CISF-SSB Recruitment 2014Staff Selection Commission (SSC)Recruitment of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police,CAPFs and Assistant Sub -Inspector in CISF Examination 2014Date of Written Test-22.06.2014 (Paper-I) & 21.09.2014 (Paper-II).Sub-Inspector...
Kashmir University Faculty posts 2014
Kashmir University Faculty posts 2014The University of KashmirHazratbal, Srinagar-190006, J&K, IndiaApplications on the prescribed form are invited and should reach the Recruitment Section of the University of Kashmir by15/04/2014 : Professor/ Director/ Librarian ...
AIIMS Rishikesh faculty posts 2014
AIIMS Rishikesh faculty posts 2014All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS)Virbhadra Marg, Rishikesh - 249201 (Uttarakhand)The All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh invites online applications fordirect recruitment / deputation / contractual basis from Indian Nationals for recruitment...
CCS University Meerut Associate and Assistant Professor posts 2014
CCS University Meerut Associate and Assistant Professor posts 2014Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCSU), Meerut (UP)Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engg. & TechApplications are invited from India nationals for filling up the following posts of Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on...
IIT Madras Faculty posts 2014
IIT Madras Faculty posts 2014Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), MadrasChennai - 600036IIT Madras invites applications from Indian Nationals with an established record of independent, high quality research and commitment to teaching and research for faculty positions :Assistant Professor...
SSCBS Delhi Assistant Professor posts 2014
SSCBS Delhi Assistant Professor posts 2014Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (SSCBS) (University of Delhi)Vivek Vihar, Phase-II, Delhi - 110095 Applications are invited for the following posts of Assistant Professor in Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies :Assistant Professor...
Dayal Singh College Delhi Assistant Professor posts 2014
Dayal Singh College Delhi Assistant Professor posts 2014Dayal Singh College (University of Delhi)Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Applications are invited for the following posts of Assistant Professor in Dayal Singh College :Assistant Professor : 109 posts in various subjects, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600...
Faculty posts in NIT Manipur 2014
Faculty posts in NIT Manipur 2014National Institute of Technology (NIT) ManipurTakyelpat, Imphal (Manipur) - 795001Advertisement for Faculty jobs in NIT ManipurApplications are invited for the following Faculty posts in NIT Manipur :Professor : 05 postsAssociate Professor : 11 postsAssistant Professor...
Delhi Vocational Teacher posts 2014
Delhi Vocational Teacher posts 2014 Govt.of NCT DelhiDirectorate of Education Delhi Office of The U.E.E. Mission1st Floor,Near Estate Branch,Department of EducationLucknow Road ,Delhi-110054Engagement of Contractual Vocational TeachersThe details of eligibility for these posts are as under-Qualification...
Dayal Singh College Assistant Professor posts 2014
Dayal Singh College Assistant Professor posts 2014Dayal Singh College (University of Delhi)Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Applications are invited for the following posts of Assistant Professor in Dayal Singh College :Assistant Professor : 109 pos...
National Health Mission Chandigarh Recruitment 2014
National Health Mission Chandigarh Recruitment 2014National Health Mission (NHM),ChandigarhHealth & Family Welfare Department,ChandigarhRequires-Statistician for Training Cell under Mission Flexi Pool -01 PostConsolidated salary-13500/- per month.LHV under RCH-II Programme -06 PostsConsolidated...
West Bengal HRB Medical Technologist Jobs 2014
West Bengal HRB Medical Technologist Jobs 2014Government of West Bengal (WB)West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB)GN 31, Sector‐V, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091 (WB)Online applications are invited from Indian Citizen and such other national as declared eligible by Government of India for recruitment...